CRank: 5Score: 2700
5597d ago
5597d ago
5597d ago

you do realise you can make a PSN id without a PS3 right? you just go to the Playstation website and make one.

As i said before: if you own both consoles provide a picture of your PS3 with you holding a piece of paper in front of camera with your screenname in handwriting within the next one hour, so you don't go to a friends place.

Better yet take a photo of TOPBLOOD logged in on 'your PS3'

5599d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you plain just don't get it, Green is the Colour of Jealousy. Just Like Red is Colour of Fear, Blood and Murder.

And if you own both consoles whats your PSN id? Also provide a picture of your PS3 with you holding a piece of paper in front of camera with your screenname in handwriting within the next one hour, so you don't go to a friends place.

Better yet take a photo your PSN logged in on 'your PS3'

5599d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a reason why all Xbots are jealous, maybe that’s why the Xbox light is green when it turns on and don't forget the game cases, they are green too. Oh yeah and the Xbox logo is green too.

5599d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) This is a PS3 Article, so get the fvck out.

2) Yes unlike your Xbox the PS3 does more than play games: cure cancer research, black hole research, unlike your budget PC with a 33% to 68% failure rate that’s being labelled as an 'Xbox 360'.

3) If you have a PS3 like you claim to have in every other posting please provide your PSN id and also a picture of your PS3 with you holding a piece of paper with 'Why Dis' and 'Power of Green' on it. You have 1hr to provide the...

5599d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

I sense an abnormal amount of jealousy. Maybe that’s why the Xbox light is green and don't forget the game cases, they are green too.

5600d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wait till Uncharted 2, inFamous, MAG, GT5, Rachet and clank 2009, secret team ico game, Sonys 5 secret internal RPG's, White Knight, Wardevil, Twisted Metal game, Jak4, and Heavy Rain.

The Box boys will overload this site with so much anti-ps3 stories the N4G guys will need to upgrade their servers.

Whatever helps them sleep at night.

5600d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Every time someone rags on Microsoft, your always there to defend your mighty Messiah, like angry flies on a piece of sh*t.

Do you own shares in Microsoft or something? You can combine all the PS3 fanboys on this website and they still wouldnt be as rabid of a fanboy as you.

I'm taking the rest of your bubbles with my multiple accounts, If you make a new account: I will take those also.

5600d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep a $1000 swag bag is clearly a bribe. It doesnt take a person with a collage degree in economics to work that one out.

5601d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

Simple bad reviews can take away potential sales. Not that it affects me I already pre-ordered my copy. But their are sheep out there, like The Mart who follow these reviews.

5601d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think you have being crying yourself a river trolling every PS3 story. Isnt your Xbox good enough or something that you need to hang in Killzone 2 articles like flies on a piece of Sh*t?

Your tears of jealousy say it all.

5601d ago 56 agree1 disagreeView comment

$9.99 USD
and $12.45 AUD i belive

(USD=American Dollars)
(AUD=Australian Dollars)

5601d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


5601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is a F#CKING DROID... someone who doesn't own multiple Patchbox Please-Fix-Me's after each one RROD'ed?

5601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want The Mart to prove he owns a PS3. I belive Giant Enemy Crab owns one, but not The Mart.

5602d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There isn't 7-8million more Xboxs.

As of December 31 2009. The PS3 Sold 21.3 million.

Aaron Greenburg said they have sold 28 million as of Jan 14th 2009. Or 27.93 million (as of January 14, 2009). The guy loves to round numbers up. If he lies about 70K missing units, what else are MS lying about?

Kotaku shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them and that applies to all videogaming "journalists"

@Blur111 Below.

Only 4000 to 8000 have had YLOD. 0.02% PS3 failu...